update:offer for you

My name is Eric Godson I’m from Tanzania, I hope you’re doing well in your respectively country.
I have to in order to win is to sacrifice yourself on i.e. like to say that today the world seem as the global society where people from different country could easily communicate by different mean that suit them.
Dear friend:
 I would like to say that I have got a lot of talent of writing songs but unfortunately I don’t know how to sing. Therefore I hope your guys from wherever you are in these global you have the talent of tuning your voice to be a nice one ever here I have a proposal to make to you.
I’m selling my song for better and cheap price the song have not yet got someone to make money from it so you guys you have a chance of winning the bid on the make please if your interest on what I have expressed on above please contact me on my  e-mail account which is
Ericgodson2016@gmail.com or visit on my blog which is kwanguleo.blogspot.com. facebook eric godson. or on twitter godson-eric
Vision. “I need to sell my song even for a little or cheap price since what I need to be motivated on what I’m doing since what I now is that when someone contract for a something that you’re doing is what make you proud of it. I still pray that my song will be one day on the air somewhere and someone is changing his/her life from my song that I have made”.by Eric godson.
Dear singer.
I will be in touch with your support with whatever you wish to do to me.my song are in the form of verse and chorus and their in a form of love songs, praise song, motivation song or inspiration songs. Here where is a chance for you to win what you have dreaming for your awards a waiting for you, the global is waiting for you to be famous. Please contact me.

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